Monday Jun 06, 2016
Two A-Peeling Skippers, pt 2; S05 E23
Monday Jun 06, 2016
Monday Jun 06, 2016
Hey Adventurers!
Summer Vacation is here, and the podcast will be in re-runs for the next 5 weeks. To keep you entertained, we have one last new episode, the second half of our time with Skippers Fred Martin and Jeff Bailes. This contains one of my favorite Jungle Cruise stories ever, so take a listen.
If you need more Jungle Love, make sure you swing over to Facebook.com/JungleCrews for all of your Jungle news, photos, and vintage stories. (Curated by our very own Skipperette Jen...)
See you all Mid July!- Skipper Kyle Esq
Tuesday May 31, 2016
RERUN: The Bacon Incident; S01 E11
Tuesday May 31, 2016
Tuesday May 31, 2016
So, I get asked a lot of questions as a podcast host. The most prevalent one is "wait, what?" and "wait, why?" and "what is a podcast..."
But in terms of the podcast, I get asked a lot about why the first season of the show had titles that made no sense in regard to the context of the episodes. Skipper Allison and Krizstina and I don't talk about Bacon. Not once.
See, I was trying to put in a sense of whimsy, much in the same way that the Police Squad TV show did. Eventually, I moved toward titles that made more sense. It didn't stop this episode to be our most popular episode for the first 4 years of the podcast. It was the first one to 10,000 listens, and I thought it was just about time for us to go back in time and revisit it...
Monday May 23, 2016
Two A-Peeling Skippers, pt 1; S05 E22
Monday May 23, 2016
Monday May 23, 2016
So, here's a little story...
About a year after we started the podcast, back in 2012, Skipper Fred Martin reached out to me and said he'd like to come onto the show. After 4 years of passing emails back and forth, and having scheduling issues, he grabbed Skipper Jeff Bailes, and we had a lovely picnic in the park and chatted about their time in the early 90's at Jungle.
Very little story. But a nice one, no? We had a great time with this interview, and it has one of my favorite stories I have ever had told to me. (Hence the name of the episode)
Monday May 16, 2016
RERUN: More tales from WDW, S02 E17
Monday May 16, 2016
Monday May 16, 2016
I am continually surprised by how time has snuck by us. This episode was taped 30 months ago, with good friend of the podcast Skipper Timothy Bernardi. One of our first WDW episodes, and a great time chatting with someone who has had his hand in the Disney pot on so many levels. Also, he's just a really great guy. So, here's your ReRun for the week, and a great new episode next week!
Monday May 09, 2016
Swimming Against the River, pt 2; S05 E21
Monday May 09, 2016
Monday May 09, 2016
Our first episode with Skipper Larry Kaml set records for it's first week, and we're expecting the second half of his episode to do the same. This episode features not only the best "Last Day" story in the history of the Jungle Cruise, but also perhaps the most expected Gerry York story ever. This one is an incredible roller coast of a ride, but instead of a roller coaster, it's a river, with botes on it. Enjoy!
Tuesday May 03, 2016
RERUN: The Long Pause, S01 E08
Tuesday May 03, 2016
Tuesday May 03, 2016
How have we not done a re-run of this episode? Skippers Grant Baciocco and Chris Lamberth were the first Skips I had on the show who were from a different generation than I worked, and their coming on the show lined up Skips who would eventually give us some of our best interviews. This is sort of the "Patient Zero" of the TFJC podcast, and without this episode, we would have given up somewhere in Season 2. On top of that, these guys are incredibly wonderful people, and I am really happy to have gotten the chance to get to know them.
Things are still happy in Skipper-land. We are chugging along with our card game, and we keep working on lining up great guests for the rest of 2016. Keep sharing us with your Disney loving friends, as we have more Podcast Magic coming up in the following months.
Skipper Kyle
Monday Apr 25, 2016
Swimming Against the River, pt 1; S05 E20
Monday Apr 25, 2016
Monday Apr 25, 2016
Well, it took us long enough, but we're back with a new episode. Also, it took us 3 years to line up this guest. Skipper Larry Kaml was a strong personality during the late 80's and early 90's, and his role in the Narrations program led to one of the most interesting times in Jungle history. He was universally regarded by those he worked with, and I have been chomping at the bit to get him on the show. All it took was a 7 hour drive to central California, and we were golden!
Catch us over at Facebook.com/JungleCrews for more news and Jungle photos! We'll see you out in the river soon!
Skipper Kyle
Monday Apr 04, 2016
Catching up with the Skipperette; S05 E19
Monday Apr 04, 2016
Monday Apr 04, 2016
Hey everyone! We're back with all new Skippertainment. We chat with our very own Skipperette Jen about the Skipper Canteen, stand up comedy, her vacation to WDW, and the passing of beloved Skipper Andy Rinella... It's short, but it helps us catch up with you. Kungaloosh, friends!